Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Teacher Survival Kit

On my desk at school I have some of my favorite things.  I have this super cute mug I got at Target that holds my pens and pencils, I have a ceramic apple a student gave me and a picture from my wedding day.  But some of the most valuable things are inside my desk, my teacher survival kit.  It contains:

1.  Band Aids
At the beginning of each year I got a bag of band aids from the nurse to keep in my desk.  It cuts down on the trips to the nurses office.

2. Deodorant
I can't tell you how many times I would get to school and realize I had forgotten to put some on that morning.  Much needed life savor.

3. Water Bottle
I always have a spare in my room because at some point during the year I forget mine at home...usually it's filled and ready to go on the kitchen counter.

4. Hair Bands
For those days where it is hot or windy and you have to go to recess duty.

5. Chap Stick
You know why.

6. Nail Kit
Why do my nails always seem to break at work?

7. Mints
For coffee breath, meetings with the principal or for after lunch.  Children are honest and will tell you if your breath stinks.

8. Lotion
I live in the Midwest and dry skin is a very real thing here in the winter.

9. Hand Sanitizer
For all the germs.  Why do they always sneeze and cough on me?

10.  Disinfectant Spray
For flu season

11.  Headache Medicine
You never know when you or a colleague will need some.

What do you keep in your kit?

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