My first year in Kindergarten I struggled with what to put in my writing center. I couldn't find writing centers on TPT that had little or no prep and I didn't have the time or energy to create cute and fun centers. Or I would find centers that were too advanced for my kids. So what did I do? I started searching and asking around and here is what I came up with:
1. Draw and Label
This center requires no prep and is perfect for the beginning of the year. Put blank paper, crayons and a pencil out and the kids can draw a picture and label it. Simple. Easy. You can even change it up by putting colored pencils or markers out. Or put out a white board and expo markers.
Here is the example I made for my kids. I made this page in Word and it only took me a minute.
2. Make a List
Here I passed out half sheets of papers where they could write down a list of words based on a topic. I would have them use the word wall or vocabulary cards to complete the list.
- list of friends
- list of colors
- list from grocery store or catalog
- list of countries or states by looking at a map or globe
Grab this freebie to get you started. The last page has a blank topic so you can create your own.
3. Sticker Stories
My kids LOVE stickers and I bet yours do too. I put out my stickers and tell the kids they are only allowed to pick 5. At the beginning of the year we label the stickers. As the year goes on they create a story using the stickers and then write down their story.
4. Write the Room
I've created a product that can be used all year long and involves no prep. Each week in my room we review a letter of the alphabet. So whatever the letter is for that week, I print off the sheet to match the letter, I put it on a clipboard and my kids walk around the room looking for words with that letter in it.
5. Alphabet
For this center the students can practice their handwriting. It sounds boring, but a way to make it more fun is to let the students trace the letters in highlighter or marker. This center is a good way to practice their penmanship when there isn't always time during a school day.
6. Mail Center
This is a fun center to use towards the end of the year once the students have a good grasp of how to write a sentence on their own. Put out paper and envelopes. I always model how to do this and then leave my sample at the center. The kids can write to their parents, classmates or whoever they pick. If they write to a classmate I let them place the letter in their cubby. This inspires the recipient of the letter to write back.
7. Free Write
Here is another easy one. Just put out paper and let them write stories or sentences on their own. I make little blank books for my kids too. I take three sheets of paper, put a color on top, fold it in half, cut it and staple it to create a book. My kids LOVE this one. They love creating their own book and showing them off.