Sunday, September 15, 2019

Kids Say the Darndest Things

So I had great plans to post all these things the first few weeks of school, I however forgot that the first few weeks are exhausting and involve me coming up and laying on my sofa and going to bed early.  So instead I'm going to share some of the funny things my kids have said so far.

Quote 1:  I am beautiful.  I am wearing a skirt today!

Quote 2: I am jealous of my mom's lipstick.

Quote 3:  Your wedding pictures is very handsome...and whats that word...disgusting.

Quote 4:  My dad is 10 and my mom is 6. (referring to their ages.)

Quote 5:  Student 1: I am 6 inches.  Student 2 not wanting to seem shorter:  I am 7 inches.

What are some funny things your kids have said?  Add them to the comments below.